quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011

One more lesson from the Japanese

It's incredible how the Japanese, no matter how, surprise us in all senses. Still experiencing the aftermath of last March's massive earthquake and tsunami, here they are teaching the world one more lesson: groups of elderly retirees, mostly over 60, are volunteering to work on the reconstruction of Fukushima Nuclear Complex badly affected by the disasters. It's a suicide mission, we know, but they proudly say they want to give the younger workers a choice in life as, possibly, several of the effects caused by exposure to radiation will hit them much later in life, and, in many cases, this will not happen because by the time effects strike, they will already have been gone. They insist on saying they don't want to die, but to help stabilize the plant. Some of these already heroes are way beyond their strengths, but they want to go. I'm not sure whether Japanese officials will allow them to do this, as that is not an ordinary task, they need to have high skills for the job. To me, this is secondary now. What makes us envy those "grandpas" is the sense of collectivity, of love for their countrymen, their willingness to die for a cause that flies beyond individual interests. Acts and actions like this make us still believe in humanity. Let's learn from those guys. We all!

2 comentários:

Lucielen disse...

That's a big lesson... I didn't know that!!! We really should get good and long claesses from these guys!!! Maybe when we do, we will learn how to live a bit for others and not just for ourselves...

Sávio Siqueira disse...

Absolutely, dear. I feel pretty small as I get to know there are people like the ones described here. They make us believe in life. I feel proud of all of them.